Sunday, April 8, 2007

Equal Rights

Here is the first post of some of my old stuff. Hope you enjoy.

Well today begins the first of a few politic blogs I will do periodically over the next few weeks. This is not a political only blog so I don't want to make these too terribly regular but I feel I must talk about some of these issues on occasion. I was going to begin these with gun control issues but a friend of mine and I were debating another issue so now I want to voice my opinion here. The subject I am talking about has been all over the news recently but I don't think the right things are being said. This issue of course is "gay marriage."

Should gay marriage be against federal law? Should it be left up to the states? Should it be legal in all states? Those are a few of the questions that have been brought up. I will admit my beliefs tend to go straight down the middle on a lot of issues with me leaning left on some and then right on others. My initial thoughts on this was it should be against the law. It is immoral and should be against the law. Then I thought about that for a minute. I thought to myself who am I to say that? What right do I have to say that two people don't love each other and want to be with each other forever just because they are the same sex.

The answer is I don't have that right. I cannot limit someone else's rights just because I don't agree with it. Do I think it is morally wrong according to the Bible and many other religious groups? Yes. Do I have any desire to be a part of their world? No. Do I judge a person based on that decision? No. If we truly live in a "free" country with "freedom of expression" then why can't these people express their "feelings" in this way. They should be able to assuming we truly believe in this country that "all men are created equal."

It boggles my mind all the people that want to scream freedom of this and freedom of that but must think that it only applies to their situation. Let me tell you something, gays and lesbians have the same rights as you do you ultra right wing Bible toting Pharisee. Just because you think it's wrong doesn't give you any right to tell them they can't do it. What if everyone told you they think your narrow minded belief system was wrong and it should be illegal? You would scream freedom of this and freedom of that. Well let me tell you something the same is true here. You need to lift the veil over your eyes and see what's going on.

If this country is truly going to be a free country EVERYONE needs to be equal. Whites, blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians and whatever other kind of group you can come up. That means the same rights for ALL people. Not just people that pass your litmus test. It doesn't mean you can't be against it. It doesn't mean you have to support it. You don't have to. Ultimately it truly doesn't have anything to do with you whatsoever.

Who cares if they get married? Why does it matter to those of you who are against it. It's not like they are going make you marry them for goodness sake. And if they do ask you say no. Those of you against gay marriage are pretty good at saying that to everyone you don't agree with anyway.

Just my two cents. Until next time...

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