Friday, April 13, 2007

Motorcycle Madness

For about 10 years now I have had this urge in my gut to ride a motorcycle. The feeling of the open road, the wind in your face, the pavement moving by quickly right underneath your feet are feelings that I have had for quite a long time. I think everyone that has a desire to ride has felt this at some point. Many never fulfill this urge for many reasons. Some it is time or money. Others it is pressure from friends or family not wanting their loved one to do it because of the dangers. For me, all of these were a factor as to why I haven’t ridden yet. But no more.

Next weekend, I will be taking the official riding course certified by the government to learn to ride a motorcycle. Tomorrow, I begin the process of shopping for a bike. I have thrown aside the pressure from family and have saved my money so now I can take that step that I have wanted to take for a long time now. I am filled with feelings of excitement and anticipation for what I am about to do. I don’t fully know what to expect but I am so ready I am about to burst.

Motorcycles are stuck on my brain right now. I have looked at them online every day for weeks now. Heck I have even dreamed about owning one. They say once you get the bug you have to at least give it a try to get it out of your system. Well that is what I am going to do. Check back here often as I will describe the experience here as it happens.


Anonymous said...

Be careful Damn it! :P

Anonymous said...

Well written article.