Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Shootings at Va Tech - Why?

I was sitting here reading the latest news on the shooting at Virginia Tech. All I could think about is why. Why would someone do this. What could possibly be going through this kids mind that would lead him to this point and what was going though his head while he was doing it. The anger he must have felt for basically the whole world is staggering. The hatred he must have felt to start the shootings in one place and then return to a totally different building to keep going with it hours later is tough for me to comprehend. One asks the the questions, what could have possibly happened to him to turn him this way?

Now I'm a big believer in personal responsibility. He knew what he was doing was wrong and if he had been caught he should have paid the price for his actions. Ultimately he paid the price with his life. He took the easy way out if you ask me. But nevertheless something had to have turned this kid against humanity. But what? What is so horrible it would cause that much hate for total strangers and give you a total disregard for human life? I don't know about you, but we have all had people do some bad things to us, but no matter what I have never thought this would be the answer.

I have read the stories trying their best to paint the picture of a disturbed individual. And disturbed he was there is no question about that. Anyone that could do what he did is beyond a shadow of a doubt crazy in my opinion. But what got him to that point? Was he just evil as some would say? I know some who say evil is merely a point a view and opinion based on society. It's not a black and white, cut and dry type of thing. Of course others believe it is black and white, cut and dry and plain as the nose on our faces. What do I think? I don't know. But it is something to think about.

One thing is for sure, this guy created a lot of pain and suffering for a lot of people. The whole country grieves for the families of the students and teachers at Virginia Tech. The horror that those families are dealing with right now is unimaginable. To take a human lives the way he did is in my mind evil. How could it not be? But we all must ask ourselves, why did this happen?

1 comment:

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